What is B.E.S.T.
Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T), developed by Dr. M.T. Morter, over 45 years ago, is highly effective in treating many types of conditions, often treated with medications and surgeries.
What makes this whole body energy healing system so effective is that it addresses the root cause of short-circuited neurological patterns, not just the symptoms.
At the heart of B.E.S.T is the understanding that nearly 100% of the time, when pain and dysfunction are present, it’s because the flow of electromagnetic energy (E.M.E) in the body has been stymied.
If this energy is not flowing in an integrated, unified way the body becomes stagnant and, in that stagnation, it segments, with certain areas getting extra energy and other areas not getting enough. These imbalances cause inflammation and weakness, an inability to heal and tension or pain, as the body tries to compensate for the energetic distortions.
Using feedback from the body, BEST finds were the flow of communication has gone awry by addressing the #1 cause of this break in circuitry.
This #1 cause is a build-up of unresolved subconscious emotions, known as S.E.M.O. – Subconscious Emotional Memory Overload.
You may not be aware of how your emotional thoughts like worry, guilt, fear and judgement (to name just a few) are affecting your energy flow and your ability to heal. This is mainly because many of those thoughts happen subconsciously, in a part of the brain that is outside of your conscious awareness, yet these thoughts play a fundamental role in everything that happens in your body and in your life.
And as these unprocessed, pocketed off subconscious emotional programs build up, they create momentum and a way of living that can easily short-circuit the nervous system, locking it into the fight/flight stress response indefinitely. This renders it unable to update and to return to the rest/digest/repair setting which should be the default mode.
Essentially, thoughts, memories and emotions, that are reactive to you based on your past experiences, override your body’s perfect intelligence by forcing your body’s systems to respond to circumstances that are not really life-threatening, even though your survival instinct believes them to be so.
And when all of your life force energy is going towards fighting off “bears” – financial bears, fear bears, relationship bears, injury bears, regret bears . . . 24/7 there will be no energy left over for healing symptoms, no matter what you try.
In short, there are specific emotions that have been short-circuiting you and there is a way to reconnect the dots so that your circuits can start to synchronize, flow and function again in the way they were designed to.
Your body wants to process what it has been overridden by. It’s been bogged down, trying its best for weeks, months, years or possibly even decades to go around certain emotional frequencies and gaps in the system.
And, as nature would have it, your body knows how to realign and heal, emotionally, mentally and physically, once we get it back on the rails, in its systematic way of flow.
Ultimately, it is about receiving and letting love flow again. You should be healing and if you are not, there is a reason. It is a circuitry issue and there are answers and an empowered path forward here for you.